
The University of Bristol
Medical Students' Society

Representing over 1700 students, we are proud to be the largest student-elected society at the University! We are run by an executive committee of Medical Students elected each year by our fellow Medical Students.

We offer a diverse range of opportunities for students to get involved in, ranging from our big social events to smaller talks and gatherings as well as overseeing and supporting our sub-societies, which cover everything from sports teams to academic specialties.

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Annual events

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Our committee

Recent committee minutes




The Black Bag

The Black Bag is Galenicals’ premier publication, boasting a rich history with archives dating back to 1938. Steeped in tradition, The Black Bag offers a semi-annual dose of medical commentary, satire and ribaldry, capturing the very essence of student life at Bristol Medical School.

Get involved!

Galenicals is home to over 40 medic sub-societies with a massive range of sports, volunteering, arts, and academic opportunities. Ready to get stuck in?


Galenicals prides itself in the way it embraces the social side of Medicine, no other society in Bristol hosts such a wide range of events. All year round the events directors host great events, from sophisticated balls and Christmas parties to parents nights out, so you can bond with your medic family. Our only goal is to ensure the doctors of tomorrow have fun today!


The medic bar crawl

This is one of the biggest events of the year with the entire medical school descending on the bars of Bristol, it really is the best way to meet people from all of the different year groups and is a perfect excuse for some fancy dress!


Mums & Dads

Everyone gets paired up with second year “parents” who host you for a very fun evening (drinking and non-drinking options available)! Parents will also be some friendly faces and a source of help and advice throughout the year.


Christmas party

A black-tie party for a night of festive fun to celebrate the end of first term.


Spring ball

Think Christmas Party but bigger, fancier, with fair ground rides and all your favourite people – what’s not to love? January exams are out the way and everyone’s looking for an excuse to get dressed up again!

Join today.

Studying medicine at the University of Bristol? Join over 1700 students as a member of Galenicals for socials, societies, and more. Simply register as a member on the Bristol SU website, and you’ll be good to go.