Information and guidance for current students and sub-societies.
On this page
Galenicals as a society is committed to help promote and support the welfare of all medical students. So, we are a great port of call, especially if you aren’t sure where to go for any additional help or advice. We appreciate the challenges that you can face when being at university, let alone the additional aspects of being a medical student with longer term times and ‘out’ placements that can feel very lonely. We feel strongly that Bristol Medical school should be an inclusive place to which all of us should feel a sense of belonging. Embracing the positivity of diversity and supporting each other through cultural awareness and appreciation as we also manage the academic parts of our course.
We have several different schemes running within the society to provide pastoral support and build a sense of community. This includes the Medic Family scheme, Welfare rep network and running social events. We are also happy to hear about ideas, suggestions for improvements, or things that you think will make a positive difference within your medical school program.
Please get in touch with our welfare directors through email: or on instagram: @galenicalswelfare.
Hi, I’m Diya! I am a 2nd year medical student, and I will be your Preclinical Welfare Director. I am part of the university’s Pole and Aerial Arts & Yoga societies, and I also love reading and wandering around in nature! University can be a massive change, and I’m really passionate about making sure everyone has access to the support they need to thrive at university, no matter what. Please get in touch with me if you would like a chat about any support, you may need or any concerns you have. We can navigate it together.
Hi, I’m Rosie, a 4th year medical student and your Clinical Welfare Director. This year I’m on placement in Southmead and Taunton, but will be based in Bristol for most of the year where I love baking and eating the results of my endeavours. I am really passionate about the wellbeing of Bristol medical students and know what a difference genuine support can make. I am always happy to listen and have a friendly chat so please don’t hesitate to contact me or any member of the welfare team.
One of the key ways in which we are trying to promote welfare is through running our network of Welfare Reps who can be found both in Bristol and throughout the different clinical academies. Welfare reps are medical students who have had peer support training and who are available for a chat and to help navigate and signpost further support that’s available or are friendly faces who can be there to listen and help with anything that’s worrying you.
To access the peer-to-peer support scheme please fill in the form linked below. Alternatively, you can always email us with any queries or questions at
Everybody will find things difficult or just need pointing in the right direction at some point and it’s important to know that there is help easily available. Please find below some useful university and external organisation contacts:
Emotional Support
Sexual Violence
Drugs and Alcohol
LGBTQ+ Support
From Year 3 onward, students are allocated to 7 different ‘clinical academies’. These are essentially clinical placements where you will be attached to a hospital (yes, you get a NHS lanyard and ID card #almostadoctor).
You will receive teaching from doctors called clinical teaching fellows. They are really quite friendly and their job is to guide, assess and take care of you in general throughout the placement. If you have concerns about medicine or life in general they will often be happy to have a chat!
‘As Bristol placements go these hospitals are great. Teaching is very good, though the hospital feels a little more rushed than others. There are more dramatic cases though– which always adds points!’
Travelling from Bristol city centre:
Cycling takes about 20mins – simply go all the way up Gloucester Road (if coming from Cotham) or Coldharbour Road (from Redland). There is secure parking for bikes.
Buses are regular and can be used easily. The 54 comes up Whiteladies Road, while the 76 takes Gloucester Road. The 1 and 2 are also helpful buses!
Car parking is subsidised to £2 per day. You’ll need to get a scratchcard from the medical undergraduate office.
Common Rooms
The biggest and best is in Southmead, though both have a small kitchen, lockers, pool table and a computer room. Perfect for perfecting your tea making skills if you’re doing psychiatry.
There is a main canteen, and a number of smaller shops and cafes. The food is fairly standard, but the NHS discount always helps!
This is a great place for MDEMO with lots of clinics and surgeries taking place throughout the week. Orthopods like you to know a little bit about the surgeries before you attend– they ask lots of questions during it!
Junior Med Surg
You’ll meet many a legendary consultant in these topics who just exude enthusiasm for their specialities. A&E weeks are over in Frenchay where you will do some of your emergency on take sessions– it’s a bigger hospital so if you hang around on a Friday evening, you’re sure to get some good cases. A good hospital for clerking too as the turnover is quite quick.
For this placement students are either based at Callington Road (usually need a car to get to) or the psychiatric units at Southmead (based next to the maternity units…). The junior doctors are all exceptional and all willing to give extra teaching sessions if you ask, which is fantastic just before the exam, which is actually quite difficult! The junior doctors room in Southmead is the place to go to get to know them (and grab free lunches by the drug reps on Tuesdays!)
Make sure you try to go to various wards to see different cases—its easy to think you have to stay on the ward your consultant is attached to, but this will make it duller for you! Clerking patients is not a requirement, though it really helps you develop your history taking skills! Prepare yourself for 6 cups of tea a day on this placement– it’s amazing how much more people tell you with a cuppa in hand!
Sian Williams is an old age consultant and one you should try to find– loves to teach (she gave us our own hallucination session) and is one of the happiest consultants around!
Yeovil District Hospital (YDH) is a fairly small district general compared to Taunton’s Musgrove Park Hospital. There are 2,200 staff, working to care for approximately 185,000 people, primarily in south Somerset, North and West Dorset and parts of Mendip. Per day: 20,000 emergency admissions, 3,500 elective admissions, and 18,000 day cases. More than 40,000 people attend A&E each year, the maternity department delivers nearly 2,000 babies, and the intensive care unit looks after many hundreds of people. The staff at the hospital are, on the whole, very approachable and willing to teach.
The academy is integrated within the main hospital. Library services are located next to the academy.
Yeovil is tricky to get to without a car – the most direct route is the A37 – this is mostly a single carriageway road and a result if you get stuck behind a lorry or tractor you’re stuck there for some time! Driving takes approximately 1.5 hours, it is recommended to share lifts to reduce the expense, and break up the monotony of the A37. Trains can take around 90 minutes.
Convamore – 2 minute walk from the hospital
Preston Road – 10-15 minute walk to hospital
What is provided: duvet/pillows/sheet/duvet covers/pillow cases (feel free to take your own if you wish) – only hand towels available so take your own bath towel! All beds are single. There are fully fitted kitchen with utensils and cutlery. Internet is available.
At Preston Road, this is shared with the permanent tenants, there are generally enough spaces and the parking is relatively safe. Don’t bother trying to park at the hospital site – it’s a tiny place and probably a lot of consultants don’t even have a space! It is only a few minutes walk to the hospital anyway! Parking behind the Convamore residence is sparse – it requires a parking permit, which can be obtained from the hospital reception.
Supermarkets and pubs
There is a large Tesco within a 10-minute walk from the accommodation. There is a Nuffield Health gym about half a mile from YDH – sometimes offering good discounts to medical students.
Yeovil doesn’t boast a great spread of nightlife, but there is an excellent Wetherspoons bar a similar distance from YDH. The Others are mostly in the centre.
“As a student I feel the staff were helpful and catered to our needs as and when we made requests. The organisation seems to be well put together with prompt responses to queries. It is great fun!”
“It is rather far from Bristol but having only a few students there it is a great chance to learn and be taught. The admin staff are really helpful!”
Usually the list is published around December of 2nd Year. You won’t have to rotate through all 7 academies in one year! Often students will have 2 academies, one of which is a Bristol-based placement, e.g. Gloucester for 4-5 months, then South Bristol for the rest of the year.
If your placement is in Bristol (South Bristol or North Bristol academy) then you will need to organise your own accommodation in Bristol. If you’re in any of the other ‘out-placements’, then the academy will provide FREE accommodation in the respective locations. Many students keep a Bristol residence while on out-placements in case they wish to come back in the weekends to see friends or for central study days.
For more information, check out the Medical School Website.
As a medical student you can intercalate an extra year in order to study for an Honours BSc degree. At present approximately 1/3 of medical students have the opportunity to intercalate. Most often people intercalate at the end of year 2 and exceptionally at the end of year 3.
A number of subjects are on offer to medics and these are constantly changing. For up to date information on the subjects offered contact the preclinical Curriculum Office. You may also intercalate at other Universities if the course you want is not offered at Bristol, but remember to liaise with academic staff and plan ahead!
For a list of current courses available at Bristol, check out the med school website:
Deciding whether to intercalate or not is often the most difficult decision that you have to make during medical school. The following tips will help you in reaching the right decision for you:
For further information, contact the current preclinical VP at
Want to share your own intercalator wisdom? please contact – Thanks!
Simon Merrick
Why’d you choose it?
Many (most?) of the reasons I chose to intercalate were from that list of ‘bad reasons to intercalate’ that they was warn you of. Things such as the longer holidays and a less strenuous timetable for a year. I would say that these aren’t bad reasons per se but make sure you have some of the ‘good’ reasons as well, the year will be much more fun and successful if you do. For my part, these were: Getting some early experience of doing research (it’s something you have to do at some point, so you might as well start early). Having more free time to engage in other university activities outside of medicine. Pursue an area of interest that beyond that of the medical curriculum. CV points. I chose Anatomical Science in particular because it was an area of medicine which I found particularly interesting. It also has clear relevance to clinical medicine and I imagine it looks more impressive than some of the others if you are considering surgery (although that is speculative). The chance to do an experimental project in Anatomy was also appealing. Mine involved the dissection and subsequent testing of cadaveric vertebrae, which I felt would be more interesting than a bog standard library project.
What was good?
The skills you acquire from intercalating are invaluable as soon as you start year 3. In anatomy we had to do a fair few presentations throughout the year, something which is comparatively sparse in the preclinical years but become far more prevalent once you move out to the academies. The extra practice really helps, especially if (like me) you don’t particularly enjoy presentations. Similarly, the dissertation makes all subsequent SSCs look like a doddle. Whether you do an experimental project or a literature review, the 10,000-15,000 word essay you produce will make the 1,000-4,000 word SSCs feel like nothing. The practice will also make you a pro at literature searches, referencing etc all the things that you need to be good at for SSCs. The dissertation was probably the single most useful aspect of the year. It was a chance to pursue a subject in a huge amount of detail under the watchful eye of a supervisor. In the end I decided research probably wasn’t for me, but learning this early on was useful! I might otherwise have jumped into doing a masters later on without knowing. That the courses are so small (relative to the 200+ medics in each year) means you get to know all the lecturers really well. One will likely be your dissertation supervisor, with whom you will have frequent meetings and who will provides a remarkably useful point of contact for queries etc. CV points. When I last looked FPAS offered 7 points for ‘Educational Achievements’ when applying for foundation jobs. Getting a 1st in an intercalated degree gets you 4 of these straight away (2.1 = 3, 2.2 = 2, 3rd =1) and if you go on to get a publication or presentation out of your dissertation (which is very doable) you get another one.
What was bad?
Obviously, I can’t speak for other courses like physiology or pharmacology but in Anatomical Science the additional knowledge was of surprisingly limited help in 3rd year. This was by virtue of the fact that we had done only a few areas of clinical anatomy in extreme detail rather than covered the broad spectrum required in clinical medicine. This is not to say it was of no use however. One of the modules I did was on the spine, so I was already very familiar with a lot of what came up in spinal orthopaedics for example. It’s worth noting however that the Anatomy course isn’t geared towards clinical anatomy but the underlying science (as the name suggests) and it is not the same as the anatomy you learn in the dissection rooms (unless you chose an experimental research project for your dissertation there was no dissection). Rather than naming the structures and their paths through the body, the course focused more on the science of tissues such as bone and muscle. Many people didn’t enjoy the return to essay style exams. As far as I remember, only the statistics module had any multiple choice. Personally, I didn’t mind these too much (you’re given a choice of which essay questions to answer, and it’s relatively easy to predict what most of the options will be) but it’s something to bear in mind.
Any tips?
With the less demanding timetable and a much longer summer holiday it is easy to get complacent and hence a nasty shock when starting 3rd year. Be ready to increase the work input again once you return to medicine. Make the most of the extra free time! There’s no harm in simply enjoying the extra freedom as far as I can tell, but relative to 3rd year its a lot of free time you have and if you’re productive enough you can get a lot done! All in all, its a pretty awesome year! I would certainly choose it again.
Jeremy Cave
Why’d you choose it?
I chose Bioethics because (other than medical humanities – and poetry doesn’t do it for me) it seemed to be the only subject available that demanded some lateral and creative thinking. You are required to challenge and justify the reasons for your own actions and opinions and also the actions of other doctors, asking whether they are good reasons or bad reasons, giving explanations as to why or why not. It also seemed to provide you with a really good grasp of the legal framework for Medicine, how the law works and why we have to do some things rather than others. If, like me, you get frustrated when you look at an immensely difficult issue like abortion and don’t have an answer or opinion to it, but want to, and you want to have a better grasp of the issue, then Bioethics is for you. Likewise, if you think you’ve already got an answer to the issue, then Bioethics is the course to really test that view and come to understand it in greater depth.
What was good?
You are given a very broad scope to pursue the subjects you want to for your essays. So for one essay I wrote about the compulsory use of condoms in pornography and in the dissertation I wrote about the use of mandatory chemical castration of sex offenders. This means you won’t, or should not be, bored during your course. There shouldn’t be any reading or writing you do that you find tedious because it all goes towards answering an issue you find interesting. Moreover, for those who, like me, see intercalation as a release from all things medical this scope to write essays on subjects other than hospitals/patients/doctors is great. The law is also really enlightening. You come away with a very complete knowledge of the important legal requirements of doctors, why they are as they are, and more broadly how the law works. The course as a whole will also help to greatly improve your writing, or if you have done essay based subjects at A-level, it will re-connect you with the joy of writing freely rather than doing bloody tick box MCQs. Having said that, You shouldn’t worry, or be put off, if you think you’re no good at writing essays or have never done them before. You are given good advice and support when writing your first essay or two and it naturally develops over the year without you realising.
What was bad?
The law department love to set you quite a bit of work during the week for tutorials. This is perfectly do-able but its a pain nonetheless. The CEM set you readings and some of them are naff, or too complicated, but you should harass your intercalator parents over those ones. Other than that though there is very little about the course itself that is bad. You will really enjoy the year.
Any tips?
I think one of the big things you’ll learn is how you think and what matters to you. If you really engage with the course and think and discuss the issues that matter to you, you should hopefully come away with your own philosophy and ideas (about life, universe, everything). For example, I found myself, by mid-march, getting hot under the collar over the day to day restrictions of people’s freedoms and liberties (think seat belts, hard hats etc.). The beauty of the subject though is that unlike some crass journalist bleating away in the Mail you’ll have a body of text, other philosopher’s thoughts, and your own, to support and explain these views of yours. If I could do something differently it would be manage my time better and read a lot more. The large amount of free time you’re given is a blessing and a curse. It means you can do loads of the things you enjoy (and if you’re disciplined you will do) but if you’re slightly lazy like me you’ll end up playing FIFA all day. So although you are given an ample amount of time to do all the essays required of you I still found myself up against it. Fortunately, with intercalator parents next year you won’t be making the same mistake!
Maria Williams
Why’d you choose it?
What was good?
What was bad?
Tim Robinson
Why’d you choose it?
What was good?
What was bad?
Any tips?
Elizabeth Hancock
Why’d you choose it?
In the first few years of medicine I found the core sciences very challenging and difficult. Having always enjoyed humanities, this intercalation not only served as a complete break from medicine and science, but also gave me a chance to enjoy the subjects I had loved at school within the challenge of a degree course.
What was good?
As I had hoped it would, Medical Humanities completely reignited my passion for literature and history. The books I had had to relegate to my ‘need to read list’ in favour of staring at Grey’s Anatomy, could now be enjoyed and analysed for the benefit of the course. Having seminars with english and philosophy students means you have to raise your game quickly, but it also means that you become immersed in the course as an arts student. This was a great opportunity to explore humanities with reference to medicine and develop a non-clinical appreciation of illness. In addition, being able to write a dissertation of your choosing enables you to explore any topic of philosophy, history or english (with a medical slant) that has ever caught your interest.
What was bad?
Medical Humanities is a course which studies medicine in literature and the philosophy of medicine and science. Unfortunately, while you can chose a history dissertation, this only includes a limited amount of the history of medicine.
Any tips?
Studying Medical Humanities is a very steep learning curve! If you’re like me, there will be times when there is a rising sense of panic at the prospect of writing an 8000 word essay and studying philosophy, a subject which I had never done before. But, during the year, even if you can’t tell at the time, the amount you will learn in terms of an ability to critique, form an argument and coherently discuss that argument, is huge. My advice to new students would be to welcome any criticism of your work as it’ll only help you improve and to enjoy the course. Don’t underestimate how hard you will have to work, but love the opportunity to read and discuss classic works of literature.
Omololu Akinsola
Why’d you choose it?
What was good?
What was bad?
Any tips?
Chloe Caws
Why’d you choose it?
What was good?
What was bad?
Any tips?
Overall I loved intercalating, the pharmacology course was interesting as well as challenging. The year massively helped build my confidence in key skills such as essay writing, reading scientific papers and carrying out lab research. Apart from anything else intercalating provided a breather after two intense years in which to focus on other things e.g. netball and experiencing life as a more normal student in Bristol!
Peter Lillie
Why’d you choose it?
I was interested in physiology and the units that physiology offered sounded clinically relevant. I also wanted the opportunity to do a teaching project (UAS) as my dissertation project as I’m interested in teaching clinical medicine later in my career.
What was good?
I really enjoyed the UAS dissertation teaching project. It was a chance to get out of the university and be creative in producing teaching materials. It was also demanding however and required quite a bit of organising and communicating to run smoothly.
Also, although the ‘concepts and skills’ stats unit was a bit dull I anticipate the skills taught will be useful later in the course/my career.
What was bad?
Because teaching finishes in February for you to write up your dissertation and start revising, the spring term can be very isolating and involves a lot of self directed learning/motivation!
I’ve definitely found this year more challenging than the first two years of medicine. It requires a greater depth of learning, a critical approach, a lot of self directed learning/work and getting used to a completely different style of assessment and examination.
Any tips?
Getting together with other physiology students/intercalators to go over lectures and/or revise is a really good idea. It stops you getting bogged down in the massive amount of potential additional reading and you could even share out reading papers.
Working in a group to prepare for the data analysis assessment was also invaluable.
Try not to get to stressed by trying to read and remember 100s of papers- make sure you understand the lecture material and key reviews before looking at any original papers!
Get help if you’re feeling lost/amotivated/confused- there will always be a member of staff willing to offer guidance and/or you can speak to your intercalator parents.
In addition to Internal Student Selected Components, in Years 3 and 5, all students must undertake a 4 week period of study in an area of their choosing as part of their External SSC. In the 3rd year, this takes place after the June exams, typically over four weeks in July, to be handed in on return to 4th year in September. In the 5th year, this four week block is fitted into one of the 3 main teaching blocks.
The criteria for choosing an external SSC if you choose to stay in Bristol are quite wide. In the past, people have used this period to do an audit, clinical or lab research, clinical attachments, courses, e-Learning tutorials.. the list goes on…
Every year the Med School allows some students to do their SSC outside of the Bristol area. This is a great opportunity to study and travel abroad and experience a different healthcare system to our own. It could also be a good talking point at interviews especially if you have a particular career path in mind.
Being allowed to do your SSC outside of the Bristol area requires a bit more planning; the criteria are much stricter, and all projects must be approved by a committee appointed by the Medical School. Applications are due in early (often months before the deadline for SSCs in Bristol). This deadline is final, so if you’re thinking about applying, you need to start organising it early!
The criteria for external SSCs undertaken outside of the Bristol area are strictly defined, and unfortunately, applications which do not fulfil these criteria will not be approved. These criteria are as follows:
In addition:
Some previous international eSSCs have been:
In 2008, 23 applications were received for Year 3 External SSCs outside of the Bristol area. Of these, 20 were approved or conditionally approved, and only 3 were rejected. For the Year 5 External SSCs, 12 of 16 applications were successful.
Provided you submit a good, well prepared application which meets the criteria, your application will usually be approved. However, all applications are scrutinised by at least 4 people, so read on for advice on how to make your application successful.
Choice of project:
Filling out the form:
Other points:
A good tip for undertaking clinical placements abroad is to do this through IFMSA exchange or one of the ERASMUS partner Universities.
Good luck!
Many of you will have heard of the NHS Bursary. The NHS will fund medical students from their 5th year of study. This means if you’re intercalating, you’ll receive NHS bursary for your 5th and 6th year of study! This application process is straightforward and you will tend to receive an email remind you to apply around December of 4th Year. The NHS bursary covers your tuition fees for the year (paid directly to the university) and help with general living costs depending on your household income.
For more information, visit the websites below:
If you receive the NHS bursary you are also eligible for NHS Practice Placement Expenses. This reimburses some extra travel costs and it even includes cycling! The completed forms should be sent to the year lead so they can check them and forward them on.
All the information and the application form can be found below, reading the instructions before completing the form is recommended.
The NHS Hardship Fund is also available to help people out in exceptional circumstances and who have exhausted all other funding options, further information on this can be found here:
Sometimes you can try your hardest to budget, but university life is just really incompatible with a healthy bank balance. If you’re struggling, there are several financial aid schemes available at Bristol, such as the Bristol financial assistance fund. Check out the university funding website to find out more!
You can also apply to Bristol SU for the Activity Hardship Fund to cover society fees, so you should definitely join that club you’ve been eying up!
The Alumni Foundation can help out with funding for conferences or events with their general and travel grants, more information here.
The medical school also contribute to costs of being on out placements. You can find more information and the online form for this on this on Blackboard.
Many medical students get involved in research projects and other great work that often goes on to be published and presented at conferences. Attending these event can be expensive, with students often having to travel long distances by train and sometimes even plane and then paying for accommodation once they get there.
We don’t want money to be something that limits your ability to present your great work, which is why we have set up the Galenicals Grant. Whilst we can’t promise to cover all of your costs, we can offer you some financial help which hopefully makes it easier for you to make the most of these exciting opportunities!
If you would like to apply for this grant, please complete this application form (which also contains the terms and conditions), and return to
At Galenicals we are proud to have members whose interests and hobbies are so varied. As a result, we offer financial support to all our Sub-Societies in the form of the Galenicals Grant to allow their continued operation, and to encourage the setup of new ones. This funding allows the claiming of up to £200 (depending on sub-society size) over the course of an academic year.
We realise that not all societies are equal in size or financial commitment, and that the setup of the most ambitious societies brings with it sizeable financial burden. If you have any enquiries about different arrangements for the funding of your society feel free to email me at
If you would like to apply for this funding, please complete this application form and return to
Got an invoice you’d like us to process? Part of my role as treasurer is processing invoices and expense claims so that societies can access their money. Invoices, once approved (usually within 5 working days) are then sent to the SU. They check them, process them and then pay them on your society’s behalf from your finances held by Galenicals. This can take up to 10 working days.
If your society has a time constraint in paying an invoice, you can process it as a priority order. This means that, if sent to the SU before 1pm it will be paid the same day. It will be paid the next day if received after 1pm. This service incurs a £3.50 charge which will be taken from your society’s account.
DO NOT submit an invoice without checking that it complies by the SU’s standard which can be found here.
Expense 365 is an app developed by the SU for society members to claim money back following expenditure out of their own pocket. A diagram to illustrate this is below.
The details of how to set up and use an Expense365 account can be found here.
Read through this document before submitting any claims so that you are fully aware of what is required of a claim and how to check why a claim is rejected/avoid any other issues. Please be patient when using Expense365! The SU try to process your claims as fast as they can, but as stated above claims can take up to 2 weeks to process. If for any reason your claim hasn’t been processed after 2 weeks don’t hesitate to contact me at
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Site design by Commonality Studios. Updated 2024 by Jacob Wilks.